Keys with Keff Policies

Please click link to Print and Sign Policies: Policies.docx  

Keys with Keff


Payment – 

Lessons are $60 per hour, $45 per 45 min, $30 per half hour (Payment is due 1 st  lesson of the month and can be made by check, Paypal, cash or debit/credit card, by school)  If school funds are not available, you will be expected to cover the cost.

 Promptness – 

Be on time to drop off and pick up your children.  If you are 15 minutes late to your lesson, the lesson will be considered a no show and unable to be made up.  If you are over 10 minutes late picking your child up, I will charge $25 per half hour late.   

Arrival of Students – 

All children must remain at the bench in the front entrance or downstairs with me if a parent is not with them.  This is a requirement for my insurance policy.

Missed Lessons/Cancellations – 

              If you are not able to make a lesson or are late, there are NO makeup lessons available unless a family will be gone and you can come in their place.  Charges will still be incurred.

              Please do not come to your lesson if you miss school or work or are running a fever.  You can record yourself playing and send it to me or if you are able to play, we can FaceTime or call on the phone instead.

              If I miss a lesson I will either offer a makeup time or will refund your money.

Withdrawing from Lessons – 

              Please give me a one month notice if you plan to discontinue lessons.  You may take lessons during this time or pay and not attend.  This allows me time to fill the spot with another family.

Student Expectations:

              Students are required to practice 5 days a week.  I also expect that they come prepared for their lesson with all materials and a positive attitude.


              My fees for accompanying are $30 per session together and for the day of the performance. Fees are due each time we meet.

              Music must be received at least one week prior to a rehearsal and one month before the performance date. 


I have read the 2022-23 piano policy and I agree to abide by all the terms and conditions in that document.

________________________________________________            ___________

Signature of financially responsible party                                                  Date

 Please return this enrollment form by June 20th to secure a spot for the fall.

  1. Please include your Registration Fee ($50 per family)
  2. Please include your signed Waivers
  3. Please include a newly signed IDEA Invoice if applies


Please list the names of children you wish to enroll for the 2022-23 year and the time/date you prefer to have.

Student Name  ___________________________________             Please circle one:  30 min        45 min         60 min

Student Name ____________________________________              Please circle one:  30 min        45 min         60 min

Student Name ____________________________________              Please circle one:  30 min        45 min         60 min

Please update the following information:                   No change

Mom’s Cell:_______________________________

Dad’s Cell:____________________________

Who to contact in case of emergency:_________________________    Phone________________

Parent email______________________________________________

Student email_____________________________________________
